Endless guide for Health Steal Up SWGOH

In the galaxy system a long way off, the versatile game “Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes” (SWGOH) has captured the hearts of millions of players around the world. One of the most intriguing and game-changing mechanics in SWGOH. In this article, we will delve deep into, health steal up SWGOH exploring what it is, the means by which it works, its importance in the game, and a few strategies to capitalize on this technician. Tecchinmarket experts created this guide for you to survive till end which increases the chances of your winning, so stick to this article and make sure your winning.

Health steal

Health steal is a game machine in different video games, including Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes (SWGOH), that allows a person to recover health points (HP) when they deal harm to a rival. In SWGOH explicitly, health steal is a percentage value related to a character’s capacities or properties. At the point when a character with health steal deals harms through their attack or capacities, they recover a part of the harm dealt as health.

Here’s how it works in practice:

Suppose a character has a 20% health steal. This character deals 1,000 points of damage to an opponent with an attack. With 20% health steal, they would recover 200 HP (20% of the damage dealt).
Health steal can be a crucial machine in SWGOH as it allows characters to support themselves in fights by recovering health as they deal harm. This can be especially important in broadened fights, assaults, and other game modes where remaining alive is essential for progress. Players frequently plan and fabricate teams around characters with high health steal to expand their team’s general survivability.

Understanding health steal

Health steal frequently alluded to as “Life steal,” is an important gameplay machine in SWGOH. It allows characters to recover a piece of their health with each successful attack. This recovery can be a unique advantage in fights, as it enables characters to remain in the fight longer and endure enemy attacks.

How health steal work

Health steal depends on a percentage, representing the piece of damage dealt that is returned as health to the attacker. For Example, in the game where a character has a 20% health steal and deals 10,000 attacks with a regain, they will recover 2,000 health points. The more damage you bargain, the more health you steal, making high-damage characters especially effective with health steal up SWGOH.

Percentage-Based Healing

Health steal is represented as a percentage, typically going from 5% to 20%. At the point when your character deals damage to an enemy, they will recover health equivalent to the level of damage dealt.

Applied per Hit

Health steal is individual for each hit in multi-attack abilities. For example, in the event that a character hits three times and has a 10% health steal, they will heal 10% of the damage dealt for each hit.

Importance of health steal up SWGOH

Sustain in battles

Health steal is essential for keeping up with your characters’ life span in fights. It ensures they can persevere through delayed experiences, making them less defenseless against enemy attack. This is especially valuable in assaults, galactic wars, and territory battles, where you really want your characters to survive various rounds of combat.


Characters with high health steal and are more self-sufficient, lessening their dependence on healers or support characters. This allows you to make more flexible teams and adjust to different challenges in the game.

Surviving Critical Hits

Health steal can help characters with survive obliterating critical hits, which would somehow bring about a quick defeat. This strength can reverse the situation of a fight in support of yourself.

Countering healing immunity

A few opponents might cause healing immunity for your characters, keeping them from getting healing from customary sources. Health steal stays unaffected by healing immunity, giving a life saver while other healing strategies are blocked.

Procedures for maximizing health steal up SWGOH

Character selection

While building a crew, consider characters with naturally high health steal or individuals who gain health steal through capacities. Darth Nihilus, Asajj Ventress, and Kylo Ren (Exposed) are examples of characters’ areas of strength for with taking abilities.


Pair characters with health steal synergies to make a considerable team. Certain teams, similar to the Nightsisters, benefit incredibly from health steal rewards inside their kits. Moreover, characters who give offense up or basic possibility rewards can intensify the viability of health steal.


Use mods to help health steal percentages. Health steal mods are accessible in the game and can be prepared on characters to improve their survivability. Center around characters who benefit the most from expanded health steal for example, those with high damage output.

Turn Meter Manipulation

Characters who have some control over the turn meter, such as Darth Vader or Darth Revan, can be matched with health steal characters to ensure they take more turns, permitting them to deal more damage and take more health.

Team composition

Consider team composition that incorporates both damage sellers with health steal and support characters who can purify and give different types of utility. This balance ensures your health steal up SWGOH characters can perform ideally.

Health steal in different game modes

Arena battles

In Arena battles, where you face off against different players, health steal can give your team a significant edge. Characters who can recover health while at the same time, managing damage can outlive adversaries and climb the positions.


Raids are lengthy fights that require supported survival. Health steal is especially important here, as it allows your characters to persevere through different stages and maximize your damage output.

Galactic war

Galactic war presents numerous battles in succession. Health steal can assist your characters with recovering health between fights, reducing the requirement for broad healing skills or resources.

Practice makes perfect

The most important part of mastering health steal up SWGOH. is practice. Participate in fights, both simple and testing, to acquire a more profound comprehension of health steal capabilities. Evaluate different health steal characters and notice their presentation in different situations.

Test Different Mod configuration

Modding is a critical part of character enhancement. Test different mod arrangements on your health steal characters. Explore different avenues regarding various blends of speed, basic harm, basic possibility, insurance, and health steal mods to track down the best arrangement for your play style.


Health Steal up SWGOH is a game-changing machine in SWGOH that can reverse the situation of fights in support of yourself. It gives maintainability, strength against basic hits, and a level of independence to your characters. By choosing the right characters, building synergistic groups, decisively, and capitalizing on turn meter control, you can harness the force of health steal, and rule the world in (SWGOH) Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes.

As you explore and refine your health steal strategies, you’ll find new tactics, cooperative energies, and mixes that put you aside as an impressive player. May your SWGOH experiences be loaded up with exciting experiences and innumerable victories, all energized by the force of health steal. May the Power accompany you on your way to dominance.

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